- Green Career Development SPEAKER: Norman Amundson Dr. Peter Plant, Copenhangen Denmark coined the term "green career development". Identify passions; how are you intelligent; connect with likeminded people; support risk-taking, creativity, flexibility. Assess your practice and how you are green - recycle, local; have awareness of impact - ethically and economically. To me we still need to go further and reduce consumption in our lifestyles - but this would be bad for financial economics and social economics - image.
- Behavioural Economics, Career Development & Irrational Decision-Making Life Role Development Group Ltd. SPEAKER: Dave Redekopp, Edmonton, AB Either or VS. Both and; Cognitive Illusions (though you know it's happening, you can't/don't stop); Anchoring (expectation rather than absolutes shape decision - also called 'reference dependence' or 'priming' - searching based on income rather than need); Loss Aversion (having something & losing it is emotionally bigger than not having the same thing and getting it - losing and starting work; Framing; Sunk Cost Bias; Base Rate Neglect; Planning Falacy (use proper time estimates); Crowding Out (external rewards ' crowd out' intrinsic motivation)
I wasn't finished.... I
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